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Sell Your SmartphonesTips & Tricks

Four Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Phone

By June 3, 2016July 27th, 2021No Comments

Updated On July 15, 2021

It seems like every day a different tech company rolls out a new mobile device. Separating the hype from the reality can be tricky, and it’s often difficult to know when it is time to get a new cell phone. Here are four common signs you need a new iPhone or Android device.

Battery Problems

A phone’s battery is usually the first thing to go when it ages. If your phone no longer holds a charge or takes too long to charge when it’s dead, it’s time for a replacement. Battery life problems are not just inconvenient. They can potentially put you at risk if your phone dies unexpectedly when you’re out and about with nowhere to charge it.

Beyond this common issue, other signs your phone’s battery needs to be replaced include:

  • Shutting down without warning: Although this may happen on occasion and could, in fact, be indicative of malware, it shows that your phone’s battery is having performance issues.
  • The battery lasts just a couple of hours: Your phone’s battery used to last longer than a day without a charge. Now, however, you’re lucky if you can get a couple of hours from it. At this stage, your battery’s performance clearly signals it needs to be replaced.
  • Physical changes: If you see bulging around the battery, don’t wait to get repairs done. This indicates a chemical change within the battery that, if ignored, could lead to a fire.

Slow Speeds

The latest apps and OS updates are designed to work with contemporary hardware. At the same time, cached files and other byproducts of long-term use can slow performance to a crawl. While there are steps you can take to make an older phone run leaner and faster, there comes a time when replacement is the best option. If persistent performance issues are affecting your ability to use your phone, you may be due for a replacement.

Cracked Screen

Even with a brand-new phone, accidents can happen. It doesn’t take much to crack your phone’s screen, but the cost of replacement or repair may mean you are better off replacing it outright. While it’s possible to stop a small crack from spreading, whether or not you’re willing to live with a broken screen depends on what you use your phone for. Sometimes it’s best to admit the problem can’t be fixed and invest in a replacement, along with a quality case.

Dropped Calls/Poor Audio Quality

A new smartphone can do a lot of things, but at the end of the day its purpose is to send and receive calls and texts. If you’re having problems with that – such as poor reception, frequently dropped calls or bad audio quality – what’s the point of paying for cell service anyway? Upgrade your phone and enjoy clearer reception, better call quality and extended service range.

Screen Performance and Quality Issues

A cracked screen is just one factor. It’s time to get your cell phone replaced when your screen doesn’t perform up to par, ultimately reducing or encumbering its functionality. Common scenarios include:

  • Flickering lines, bands or patches on the screen.
  • The touchscreen doesn’t respond, does so slowly, or misinterprets or redirects cues, causing you to open apps you didn’t intend to.

The Apps No Longer Work

This factor goes back to the operating system. After a certain point, most developers create apps for the latest OS. If you haven’t installed the most recent software or if doing so has impacted the phone’s performance, you’ll quickly find that the most advanced apps don’t work or aren’t compatible.

Also, not being able to support the latest operating system or apps as a result of older, outdated hardware opens your device up to vulnerability issues, including having hackers steal your personal and financial information. Continuing to use an old, outdated phone could end up having a domino effect through the rest of your life.


Just as with your computer, a smartphone can overheat, with potential to explode. If you notice this, consider getting the device repaired, or based on age, replace it with a newer model.

You Own an Older Model

Functionalities and capabilities evolve. With phones, “older” these days constitutes anything built for a 3G network and not able to support VoLTE. With 3G networks being phased out and without VoLTE compatibility, your phone may become obsolete.

Along these lines, an older-model phone frequently features a lower-quality camera. Along with a more pixelated effect, taking a photo may entail a lag time, limited zoom capabilities or reduced visibility and crispness in low-light conditions. If taking better photos is important to you, upgrading can yield a device delivering a 20MP or better camera.

Recycle Your Old Cell Phone

Instead of having an older, less-functional device sit around, recycle it for cash with The Whiz Cells. Understand how this works and its benefits before you get started. Check out our website or contact us for details.